Saturday, November 16, 2013

Type B Meningitis Epidemics At Princeton

Seven instances of type B meningitis are prompting Princeton University authorities to gather together over the weekend to exchange views about whether or not they should provide immunizations to the student body , a University spokesperson told CNN .

"This is a dilemma we have been contemplating very cautiously . We are going to be speaking about it with our trustees this weekend , and when we have something to publicize we will make an press release ," spokesman Martin Mbugua said .

The University continues to be working together with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ) and the New Jersey Department of Health to supervise the spread of the disease .

"We have taken the approach to enable the method to vaccinate the students , but the conclusion to accomplish that has not been made yet ," CDC spokeswoman Barbara Reynolds told CNN .

Type B meningitis is an uncommon type of the bacterial disease which is not popular in the USA . Signs and symptoms comprises of pounding headache , fever , nausea or vomiting , and skin irritations . Untreated , the disorder can develop very quickly , and result into dangerous health issues for instance hearing deterioration , brain injury , or limb amputations or in the more severe circumstance loss of life .

"College epidemics of meningitis are commonly triggered by a "C" strain , says Dr . William Schaffner , an old but relevant chieftain of the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases . "A group B plague is extremely unconventional ."


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