Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Horror: Baby Stolen As Pregnant Woman Was Murdered By Her Friend

A Massachusetts mother found criminal in the first-degree murder of her pregnant good friend is being sentenced to life without the chance of parole , as per Worcester Superior Court .

Julie Corey , who was 35 during the time of the wrongdoing , was convicted in 2009 . She was found to have bludgeoned and strangled her good friend , Darlene Haynes , 23 , before slicing the infant from the victim's womb .

Haynes' body was discovered in her condo on July 27 , 2009 . She was eight months pregnant during the time of her demise .

Weeks after the murder , Haynes' newborn was located with Corey in New Hampshire .
DNA proof along with a fingerprint on a glass bottle at the crime location linked Corey to the killing , the district attorney's office stated .

Based on trial testimony , Corey attempted to pass the baby off as her own to friends and relations , the statement said .

"It's by far the most terrifying case this office has witnessed ," said Worcester County District Attorney Joseph Early Jr . "This woman was killed for her child ."

"There was no real shock in the verdict . It is a compulsory punishment under Massachusetts statutory law . A notice of appeal has been submitted ," said Corey's attorney , Michael C . Wilcox .


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